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Hartl - Spiritualiteit op hoge hakken

Wij zijn de verandering

We are the change

Op regelmatige basis schrijf ik een artikel of stuk voor de nieuwbrief van Phyllis Curott, HPs Wicca (Hoge Priesteres), Wicce, best-selling auteur van boeken over hekserij, en mijn spirituele leraar/elder.

Onderstaande tekst is verschenen in haar nieuwsbrief met Midzomer en ik wilde deze ook heel graag met jou delen. Ik hoop dat het jou mag inspireren.

(Edited by Chris Fielding)

Veel leesplezier,

We are the Change

The future before us seems unsure and uncertain. What will the elections, which are happening all over the world, bring us? There is a fear that if certain people or parties come into power, our freedom is at risk. Our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of who we truly are. It could be that we will seemingly take a few steps back in our development and growth as humankind. But I recently received an insight: the rise of extreme right thinking is an attempt to fight against the change that is here to come. A change for the better for humans and the world as a whole.

Patriarchy and the egotistical capitalism are feeling threatened by a collective spiritual development that is growing and growing. More and more people are waking up, becoming aware of the connection we all share. So it is not we who are unsupported or in danger of going extinct. It is the toxic way of living, the superior way, that is at risk. And people who are holding on to that - because they believe that without the patriarchy, without their ego, they will die - are at risk.

Even if our freedom becomes threatened in the short term, know this: we witches always come back. They can burn us, they can imprison us, they can torture us. But like the phoenix, we rise. And so will the Goddess. She is rising in all of us, all around us. That is the change. The change to a deeper connection, to tolerance, to freedom for all.

Reluctance to change is common in spiritual growth, it is part of the personal development. And what I have learned is that life offers you the chance to welcome the change. And if you refuse, it will offer it in ever bigger portion until life beats you into submission and you have no other choice than to accept the change.

So don’t lose hope. Whatever the future will bring, change is on our side. We are the change the Mother is offering to humankind.

Much Love,

Najaar 2024


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Jozef Ickxstraat, Ekeren, Antwerpen 2180
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Hartl - Spiritualiteit op hoge hakken

Voor zij die geïnteresseerd zijn in praktisch toegepaste spiritualiteit en magie in het dagelijkse leven.

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